Cold Storage Warehouse and fulfillment service

Cold Storage Gudang Online

Solusi Gudang Digital untuk Bisnis Frozen dengan Efektif & Efisien.

  • Minimalis Fixed Costs
  • no warehouse, no office, no staff
  • Pantau Stock Secara Real Time
  • Support Multi Gudang
Cold Storage Warehouse and fulfillment service

Gunakan Gudang Penitipan Produk Frozen Food (Cold Storage) sesuai kebutuhan.
disaat gudang sudah penuh.

Pilih Gudang , Kirim Barang anda ke Gudang
Pilih Barang , Muat & Kirim Barang lokasi tujuan anda

Fitur Layanan

Pencatatan Digital
Inbound - Outbound
Picking Order
Inventory Management
Multi Gudang
Gudang Pintar Cold Storage Warehouse and fulfillment service, cold storage jakarta, rantai pasok teknologi
Nilai Lebih dalam Layanan dan bantu kembangkan bisnis dengan cara menghemat biaya operasional
Gudang Pintar Cold Storage Warehouse and fulfillment service, cold storage jakarta, rantai pasok teknologi
Kemudahan Monitoring seluruh Aktivitas Operasional Gudang dengan Sistem Manajemen Gudang Digital
rantai pasok pangan, Cold Storage Warehouse and fulfillment service

Keep Frozen & Grow Your Business with no hassle.

Make the network bigger and Free From Fixed Costs.

production during harvest, storage, transport, packaging and distribution because of the challenges involved in the industry.

cold frozen fulfillment services to answer industry challenges from upstream to downstream.

Solusi Rantai Pasok Dingin
Cold Storage Warehouse and Fulfillment